Shepherd Ministry Ends Statements

Shepherd’s Ends Statements describe what benefits and outcomes that Shepherd congregants want produced by our church and school. These Ends Statements are set by the voting members of our congregation as a unified body of believers. It is from these Ends Statements that Ministry Staff develop programs and ministry offerings to bring about the desired outcomes approved by the congregation.

Approved by Shepherd’s Owners May 2019

Shepherd’s Global Ends Statement:

Shepherd of the Desert Lutheran Church exists so that people with whom our Church connects experience Jesus’ love for them within a caring community walking in one accord, believe in Him as Savior, and grow in grace and knowledge into engaged disciples of Jesus at a cost that demonstrates prudent stewardship of the resources God entrusts to us.

Our Four Specific Ends Statements:

1. People served by this Church community experience meaningful and compelling worship; experience Biblical teaching that is accurate, life-applicable, in-depth and yet understandable to people at different stages of Spiritual growth; and have skills and opportunities to effectively serve others in need.

  • 1.1. Believers, including our youth, confirmands and young adults, regularly connected to our Church have age-appropriate knowledge and skills to competently understand and articulate Lutheran doctrine, to distinguish the Christian worldview from other worldviews, and to competently apply God’s Word to life experiences.
  • 1.2. Believers, including our youth, confirmands and young adults, regularly connected to our Church have the attitudes and skills to effectively profess their Christian faith with those in their circles of influence. Students participating in our educational ministries develop the character and competence to succeed at subsequent stages in their lives as disciples of Jesus.

2. Students participating in our educational ministries develop the character and competence to succeed at subsequent stages in their lives as disciples of Jesus.

  • 2.1. They have age-appropriate knowledge of the Christian faith and Lutheran doctrine and to competently apply God’s Word to life experiences.
  • 2.2. They demonstrate proficiency at listening actively, thinking critically, solving problems logically, and exercising self-discipline and self-control.

3. Unbaptized people served by our ministries are baptized into the Triune God.

4. People in Scottsdale and surrounding areas experience God’s love, have access to resources, and connect with a supportive community that enhance their spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.

If you have further comment about these strategic Ends efforts, we welcome feedback to our linkage e-mail alias — We review these comments as a collective Board when messages are received.

Thank you for your feedback,
The Shepherd of the Desert Board of Directors