Music Ministry

Music Ministry at Shepherd is a wonderful combination of professionals and congregation members. Excellence and participation go hand in hand. If you’re interested in sharing your musical gift, please check out the following opportunities.

Contemporary Worship

Mountain View Campus

Rehearsal on Sunday mornings

Comprised mostly of professionals, our Mountain View campus features contemporary worship songs led by vocals, guitars, drums, and bass. If you’re interested in serving or being a part of our contemporary worship experience, please contact Jen for more information.

Contact: Jen Hodges |

Adult Choir

Shea Campus

Rehearsal on Thursday evenings

Our adult choir provides performance works during worship in addition to helping the congregation sing new music. The choir is a great group of people to just hang out with, laugh with, and care for each other…all while serving about twice each month in worship. Contact Pastor Alan for more information.

Contact: Pastor Alan |

Bell Choir

Shea Campus

Rehearsal on Monday evenings

Shepherd’s Bell Choir is a perfect place for experienced and inexperienced musicians to find a place to serve in worship. Even if you have never played a musical instrument, learning to play handbells is a great way to start. Handbells is a great intergenerational place for men and women where teenagers can serve alongside seniors. Contact Barbara, our bell choir director, for more info.

Contact: Barbara Bair |

Your gifts and talents make an impact here at Shepherd. Ready to get involved?