In our last time together, I mentioned a lesson on listening to God’s voice. This idea really struck me. Pete Greig said, “Some of us don’t hear from God because we want to be God.” Ouch. I’m guilty of wanting my own way, using my own ideas instead of God’s wisdom, judging another’s actions. James, the brother of Jesus, wrote a very clear letter on thinking and acting like Christians. He said in Chapter 1, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone.” And if a person doubts, “their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.” I can’t afford to be unstable. My loyalty cannot be divided, even between God and myself.
Repentance is a daily endeavor. When I turn to God after stubbornly following my own way, He is always there. Graciously, our generous God gives good and perfect gifts. Sometimes His gift has to ground me with a gentle or stern reminder “you are not God.” With a sheepish, “I’m sorry,” I can ask in faith for His forgiveness and guidance. Then when I act on His Word, I am more aware of His Presence and blessings, and more receptive to His peace. Repentance is always a win-win endeavor. Asking for wisdom, Tracy