Our nation is caught up in some political drama right now. Some of us have family or friend drama. Sometimes we can barely get out of the grocery store without getting hit by a cart or a rude driver on the way home. We might feel like drama is all around us. Thank God that He does not add to life’s drama; He neutralizes it. God wants to shower us with peace and fill us with hope. When we make a mistake, God won’t fire us. If we say the wrong thing to a friend, we can be forgiven. When the store is crazy busy, we can act with God’s gift of patience instead of annoyance or anger. God grants us His gifts to overcome the world’s drama. When we are united with God and with our church family, our drama becomes more manageable.
Above all, God loves us with an everlasting love. He fills us with His holy peace. When drama abounds, He reminds us that His way is clear and His light is bright. Here’s the Bible’s advice from Ephesians 4: “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.” Thank the Lord that He is our firm anchor and is with us on our journey. The person next to us in worship may be going through tough things. That guy going 50mph on the freeway certainly has tough things going on. Let’s practice making allowances for each other and do all we can to keep our homes, church community and nation united in His Spirit. Peace and blessings, all! ~Tracy