I completed a sample Mensa test when I was in college. I know, I was shocked, too! Here’s the thing though, people qualify by the speed of completing the test, on top of getting answers right. I was much too slow to qualify. That test reinforced what I already knew. There is a great difference between knowledge and figuring things out. I possess a figure-it-out brain, not a genius-knowledge brain. More times than not, I just can’t figure things out quickly. Because of that, I’ve always been a bit frightened when I read Job 38. Some of us heard that passage in church on Sunday. Job and his friends tried so hard to figure out why Job’s life blew up like it did. I’m right there with them. Why, Lord?
“Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind: “Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorant words? Brace yourself like a man, because I have some questions for you, and you must answer them.” I would pass out. Who can answer God’s questions or figure Him out? Nobody. No one is on God’s level, Mensa member or not. Finally, Job answered, “I take back everything I said, and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.” Job’s praise, truthfulness, repentance and prayer encouraged God’s merciful and bountiful blessing after the calamities. We can question God when we must and brace ourselves, too. We’d be geniuses to stand with Christ when our questions fly. When God says, “Who is this that questions Me?” we can grab Jesus’ hand and thus braced, answer, “Jesus and me.” May God grant us the knowledge we need, for Jesus’ sake. ~Tracy