The Big Bear eagles’ eggs have pipped! I learned that one definition of pip is the initial egg cracks made by a hatching chick. Pip has at least 12 definitions actually, which just fascinates me. But I digress. I want to zero in on the eagles. The eagle parents have been so faithful to tend their eggs, through snow, rain and enemy bird attacks. Their massive wings and very bodies take the brunt of the storms, and provide life saving protection for their babies. 

Jesus used an analogy of a bird’s sacrificial protection of her chicks when He said, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me.” How our Savior yearned to protect His children! His very body was going to take the brunt of the storms of sin, and provide life saving protection for His children in Jerusalem. But they refused His loving, life saving kindness. Blessed are we who gather together under the wings of the Almighty! He makes us pips (excellent or attractive people) who pip (defeat at the last moment) sin and the devil. Thank you, eagles, for the illustration of faithfulness and sacrifice that reminds us of our faithful God who protects us. Pip pip! (Goodbye!) ~Tracy