When our young grandson hears a noise, he says, “What’s that sound?” If our answer intrigues him, he follows up with, “See it?” That’s the way he learns what a helicopter sounds and looks like; and gets safety lessons on why an electric vehicle beeps when it backs up. So much learning comes through inquisitiveness, listening, observing and connecting with truth. In Luke 4, Jesus reads prophecy about Himself from Isaiah in the synagogue in Nazareth. Afterward, ‘The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him. He began by saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”’ They heard the sound of their Savior’s voice, and they saw Him in person. But their intrigue quickly changed to outrage and they wanted to kill Jesus. How very sad that Jesus’ hometown community listened and observed but could not connect with the Truth Incarnate. 

Praying that we can tune our ears to hear the sound of our Savior, and fasten eager eyes on His Truth in the Bible. We can choose to spend time in 2025 learning from and leaning on our Savior. He proclaims good news, gives sight to the blind and sets people free. Can you hear that sound? Want to see it? ~Tracy