What do we know about the little town of Bethlehem? The prophet Micah prophesied 700 years before that Jesus would be born there, in the same city as King David, “a man after God’s own heart.” How much more would Jesus be God’s own heart walking on earth, the everlasting King of kings? Naomi and Ruth, newly widowed, returned to Bethlehem and found Boaz, their kinsman redeemer. The Kinsman Redeemer of us all would come from the same place. Fascinating fact, some scholars say unblemished lambs were raised in the fields of Bethlehem, to be sacrificed at the Temple in Jerusalem, five miles away. The Holy Lamb of God was born there to be our final sacrifice. Powerful connections to a tiny town. Praise our Messiah for coming to redeem us with His precious sacrifice. Christmas peace and joy to you, as only God’s heart can give to yours! ~Tracy