This is exciting! We have a month to learn about Jonah, a dramatic prophet of the Lord. Our pastors will help us dive deep into the sea of knowledge surrounding Jonah, the big fish, the Ninevites, and especially God’s heart. Please read a chapter each week so you are ready for the dive. The first time God told Jonah to warn the Ninevites of impending judgment, Jonah took to the sea in an attempt to get away from the Lord. During the violent storm God brought upon them, Jonah told the crew he worshiped the God of heaven, who made the sea and the land. The sailors were terrified when they heard this, for he had already told them he was running away from the Lord. “Oh, why did you do it?” they groaned. Jonah 1:10

Wouldn’t we all say, Oh why did you do it? Jonah knew the Lord, worshiped Him, served as His prophet. Yet, historical reasons abound as to why Jonah did not want to warn the people of Nineveh, great enemies of the Hebrews. Honestly, if we dive deep into our own hearts, many of us have run away from the Lord when His Word comes to us, haven’t we? God says, “Share your testimony, witness to My love and salvation.” Umm, right now, Lord? With him? Or Jesus says, “Love your enemy (Luke 6:35)” and our hearts shutter closed and our minds briefly turn from Him, surely You can’t mean that horrible person. 

In God’s great plan, Jonah’s disobedience and then his willingness to take the punishment for his sin witnesses to God’s love and sovereignty. The Lord instantly calms the sea when the sailors are obedient and have prayed to Him. Then the sailors turn to Jonah’s God as true God. Oh, why did He do it? Keep your eyes on the sea for more of God’s plan to wash ashore next week.