Have you been enjoying the Olympics? The American Women’s Gymnastic Team is calling this their Redemption Tour. The incredible women have accomplished Olympic redemption. But, what intense pressure on each woman to perform perfectly time after time. How incredibly difficult it must be to try and redeem yourself. Thankfully, Christians don’t have to be perfect or redeem ourselves. In truth, we cannot redeem ourselves. Jesus does it all. Paul says in Ephesians 4 that we are sealed with the Holy Spirit for the day of redemption. We are saved. When the Lord says, “I have redeemed you…you are Mine” (Isaiah 43), your redemption tour is complete. His is the only perfection needed. May the Olympics remind us to do our very best for our Redeemer. Not because it is required, but because He chose us to compete. It is the honor of our lives to give Him glory. ~Tracy