Our little grandson is learning new words every week. He can’t pronounce all the right sounds yet, so that makes for some fun translation. My current favorite is boo-la-boo for blueberry. (Isn’t that the cutest?) His parents understand tuk-tuk is tractor and chee, complete with a high pitched squeal, is his favorite cheese. Other people listening might not understand his baby pronunciation, but his good parents understand most everything. They witness the growth of their sweet son every day.

Our sermon series is about witnessing, and one thing we can remember is to match our vocabulary to the person we are talking to. We won’t use words like atonement or omnipotent with someone just learning about Christ. Another thing to remember is that the Holy Spirit goes to work on their heart and we don’t have to understand their response. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3, “It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow.” Our good Father understands every word and every heart that carries the seed of faith. He guides every faith step, from boo-la-boo to blessing. Joy, Tracy