With some sweet spring rain, our Sonoran desert is blooming and wild grasses are growing. Some backyard gardens are flourishing, too. My husband and I were feeling like farmers when our little garden produced some fine zucchinis recently. Then we had several freezing nights in a row, and even though we carefully covered up our little zucchini, it nearly froze to death. Sometimes, even when we prepare the best we can, things don’t turn out the way we want. Our vegetable garden made me aware of life’s fragility once again. Most desert flowers will soon pass and electric bills will soar in summer’s heat. Whatever the season, we can hold fast to the Lord Who does not change, “the one who existed from the beginning…the Word of life…the one who is eternal life.” (1 John 1)

Now, later in the spring season, the surviving part of our zucchini is growing again, but has been attacked by some sort of blight. Life can be rough, even in Scottsdale in the springtime! Prayers for you, if you are in a fragile season or feel under attack, that the Lord gives you faith, strength and peace to endure. Prayers for you, if you are in a growing season and producing fine fruit for the Lord. Grow and go in peace! The newly Risen Lord often said to His disciples, “Peace be with you.” (John 20) Our eternal Lord says it to us, too, in whatever season we find ourselves in. God bless and keep us, and help us grow in grace until we see His face, Tracy.