Hooray, the palms came in! Shepherd has a perpetual order of palms each year, but the last few years the company has sent a back order notice prior to delivery. Well, please don’t send us nearly a thousand palm strips on Monday after Palm Sunday. One year our shipment got delivered to the wrong company and we finally got them back after a dozen phone calls. They were wilted and brown, but I was happy I didn’t have to cut fronds from all the trees in our neighborhood. So much goes on “behind the scenes” to prepare for Holy Week. Thank you to everyone who helps with important parts that turn into a whole beautiful week of worship. When we humbly walk in faith together, we accomplish much. How lovely when our hearts, voices, minds and hands work together to move ahead with God’s good plans.

When I wake up and ask the Lord for a Word for the day, it is often, “Be not anxious.” I didn’t fret over the palms this year, like I’m not fretting over the quality of the flowers (maybe a little) or the number of ushers. We plan our best and God does the rest, as they say. Of course, we want worship services to be perfect and pleasing to God and to our Shepherd family, but our focus is worship of our King. Zechariah prophesied, “Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey—riding on a donkey’s colt.” Look, your King is coming! The Spirit can help us be like Him, humble and righteous and focused together on God’s plans. Jesus is victorious, so we can be also. Alleluia and amen! ~Tracy