Elijah and Moses showed up. Jesus’ clothing became dazzling white. God Almighty’s voice rang out from heaven. And Jesus “told them not to tell anyone what they had seen until the Son of Man had risen from the dead.” Wow, that was a hard secret to keep. Already struggling with the idea of Jesus rising from the dead, Peter, James and John must have been walking down the mountain in glorious shock. We might want a supernatural conversation like that. When we need God’s answer desperately, we can long to hear God speak loudly from heaven. Who doesn’t want a glorious shock, even just once?

I heard a podcast on listening for God to speak to us nowadays. Pete Greig emphasized that God usually speaks “normally” to us, through the Bible, prayer or through others. We may miss His voice if we are waiting for a glorious shock. Imagine we were with Jesus’ inner circle of disciples at His transfiguration though. We might walk with our Savior down the mountain and then just smile at the other disciples and say, “We had a nice hike. We’ll tell you about it later.” Hard to imagine staying silent when you see and hear God like that. If we hear God speak to us through His Word or through a friend, normal as that may sound, it’s still God’s voice. When we share God’s voice and movement in our lives, it can help others listen for Him, too. We might be the one to share the Word with someone else who needs it. The glorious shock will usually elude us, but our glorious Lord still speaks. Listening, Tracy