A neighbor put up one inflatable Christmas decoration early in December. They added another and another over the days, then lights on bushes and trees. Little by little, their house began to glow with Christmas cheer. I think I’d like to grow like that in 2024. God’s love shines through me a bit already, like a little inflatable lamb, haha. Little by little I could add more light over time. I could surprise family and neighbors with fun things. I could send more notes and call more often. I will love my way into being Nana of the Year. Certainly I could be more faithful in Bible study and bring snacks more often. (It’s important to feed the body and the spirit!) With God’s help, I can accomplish Kingdom work with my coworkers and Shepherd family. I can help tend His sheep and reach out to some outside the flock.

Isaiah said, “Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see.” And Matthew echoed, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” The wise men found Jesus by following the light of His natal star. Surely others can see Jesus in us when we shine with His Light, and they will find Him, too. I’d like His love and light to shine through me a little more in 2024. How about you? ~Tracy