Alright word nerds, here is a new one for us: freudenfreude. Based on a German word for “joy,” it “describes the bliss we feel when someone else succeeds” (Juli Fraga in The New York Times). John the Baptist showed us a perfect example of freudenfreude when he pointed to Jesus. Despite the risks to his own life, John was focused on Jesus and His success. He was called from conception to lead people to follow Jesus. That should sound familiar as Shepherd’s mission statement. In order for us to point to Jesus, we should practice freudenfreude, too. It’s good for us to be happy when our church friends get a win in life. It’s emotionally healthy for both parties when we encourage and celebrate each other. Jesus did it all the time.

Ms. Fraga recommends ways to cultivate this kind of joy: “Show active interest in someone else’s happiness.” Share joy. Grow in empathy. Give credit to those who help us succeed at something. One fun way to jumpstart our freudenfreude is to make eye contact, smile and say, “Tell me about a victory or joy you had this week.” Celebrate with them. Share joy. That’s all. Frohe Weihnachten! (Merry Christmas in German. Now you have learned three new words!) ~Tracy