Last week I wrote, “Hope to see you in church on Sunday.” Then I hurt my back and could not come to church. It’s frustrating when our plans change due to things that are out of our control. A temporary back tweak is a really minor thing compared to huge life changes we may or may not want. As Christians, we can rest up or move ahead, confident that God knows our path. Sometimes our plans don’t align with His, but He is still working for us, waiting with us, or jumping at new opportunities beside us. Isaiah 64:4 tells us, “For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!” Wait for Him. Isaiah also praised God, “When you came down long ago, you did awesome deeds beyond our highest expectations.”

We have seen many of His awesome deeds, haven’t we? Hasn’t the Lord exceeded our highest expectations? Advent is typically called a season of anticipation, a time of excited waiting. Whether you find yourself waiting or resting or running, hold on to the God who works for you. There is no god like our God. Makes you want to go, tell it on the mountain, right? Working for you while God is working for us, Tracy