It’s time for another grandson story. We praise every little thing he learns and accomplishes, while encouraging him to try even more. He is mimicking words, sounds, and facial expressions. We practically jump for joy when he says Nana or Papa. When he accidentally made a funny face at the dinner table, it was so cute that we all laughed out loud. He loved it when we laughed, so he made the same funny face over and over again. We laughed until tears came down our cheeks. We had a little encouragement circle going there…the more we gave, the more we received.

We all know that grown ups need laughter and encouragement, too. We should build each other up, praise the good, and recognize accomplishments. Look closely, friends. We don’t always pay attention to the words or facial expressions of those around us. We might not even notice their hard work or their sad eyes. The Bible tells us: So encourage each other and build each other up…let’s do it with fervor! Think of three people right now that you want to lift up. Give yourself three days to start. Ready? Go, build up and spread some laughter along the way. ~Tracy