“Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength belong to our God forever and ever! Amen.” You may be familiar with the angels’ song from Revelation 7. Did you notice that Amens bookend the song? Amen means “so be it” or “let it be so.” The angels possibly start with Amen, affirming what the multitude just said. (“Salvation comes from our God who sits on the throne and from the Lamb!”) Or maybe they are sealing their song front and back with Amen-so be it!

This Sunday, as we commemorate those loved ones who went to heaven during the year, we can try and picture them singing God’s praises with the redeemed multitude and the angels. Dick, Peter, Bob and Vera could be belting out, “Blessing and glory!” If there’s any sanctuary work to be done, Dave and Marshall would jump in. I think all of heaven is His Sanctuary, so they could be very busy gentlemen. Helga and Muriel could be laughing with family, with the telltale twinkle in their eyes reserved for their Jesus. After deep conversations with the Lord, Ed might go right up to John and say, “So, how did you write Revelation anyway? Did you know I’m a writer, too?” What do you picture your loved one doing? I pray we are all there together some day. We will praise Him and live in love forever and ever. Amen! ~Tracy