With media of all kinds filling our minds with fantastic events and fantasy characters, it can be hard to be “wowed” these days. Pastor Scott begins a sermon series on the book of Acts this Sunday, and we should be wowed every week by our God. We read in Acts 1, “During the forty days after he suffered and died, he appeared to the apostles from time to time, and he proved to them in many ways that he was actually alive.” Wow. Jesus died and then proved He was alive. Even if we have been believers our whole lives, the resurrection should wow us. God’s unfettered power and unending love can appear so familiar to us that we fail to acknowledge how truly fantastic He is.

Today’s challenge is to read a portion of the Bible, preferably Acts, and let your mind be filled with wonder. Let your heart be humble and your Spirit honoring. Take in every event, every character, every Word of our Living God, and whisper, wow. Or say it a little louder and look around. Someone may be looking at you with a smile. That could be the Spirit’s invitation to wow someone else with His Word. ~Tracy