Jesus verbally blasted the chief priests and elders with another parable in Matthew 21. He said the priests and elders were like an unrepentant son. He stated that corrupt people, who had repented, believed and changed their ways, would get into the Kingdom of God before the priests and elders. At this point, the religious leaders were looking to blast Jesus right back. What hard-hearted servants of the Lord they had become. How long would God put up with their sass?

The Bible has many examples of sassy servants. A few initially said no to God, but then changed their ways. Think of Jonah. We have a glorious example of the opposite in Mary. She said to the angel Gabriel, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” Author Tyler Staton and others call this prayer in the middle voice. We are not actively praying to persuade God to do our will. We are not passively praying either. Middle voice praying is opening our life to join God in His work. Tyler said, “I want what I see in Mary. I want to cooperate with God’s redemptive work in this broken world.” May the Lord grant us all the desire to join Him in His work and say yes without sass. We are the Lord’s servants. Repentant, forgiven, joyful with you, Tracy