Dada. Mama. Papa. Nana. We are all sweetly anticipating our grandson’s first words. Collectively, we are trying to teach him mama first, but one of us is privately coaching him toward their name. I won’t squeal, but since the baby cannot make the “n” sound yet, you know it’s not me! He is an adorable genius, of course, so words are coming soon. Being able to say mama and understand the connection to a person is a huge step for babies. It’s a big step for adults, too, learning different names for God and understanding the characteristics connected to the Lord through those names. We hear an intimate name for God in Romans 8: Now we call him, “Abba, Father.” For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children. What a special name for us to learn and a sweet connection to understand.

We are God’s children, and we can call Him the Name His Son used: Abba, Father. And see how that happens: His Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children. Spirits joining – that’s some way to learn a name. That’s some special connection between a name and a Person. The characteristic of God as a loving and close father we trust is as foundational to life as learning mama and dada. Abba, Father, keep teaching us to live as Your children. Thank You for making us Yours. ~Tracy