Sweet Anticipation

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Jesus shared the parable of the ten bridesmaids amid several parables regarding His return. It must have been a mind-blowing idea: Jesus’ death, resurrection, parting again, then waiting for His return. He wanted His people to be ready. Always. We all want to be counted among the five wise bridesmaids who had prepared for the groom and brought extra oil in case he was late. We can’t know when He’s coming back, but we can live in sweet anticipation, ready always.

Part of the sweet anticipation of a trip to visit family is getting prepared for the journey. Checking dates, packing, planning, maintaining vehicles…so much to do to be prepared. We knew we would be delighted when we reached our destination, but we also knew part of the drive would be absolutely beautiful. As a desert dweller, I look forward most to the drive through the mountains, where Christmas trees grow wild! Mt. Shasta was glorious this trip. The sun was sparkling off the snowy peaks with thunderheads parting above. The journey itself added to the joy. With preparation, our journeys can be full of joy, love, faithfulness and anticipation. We are like the wise bridesmaids when we live in God’s love and live it out, too. That mountain scene reminded me that Jesus said He would come on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Ready? ~Tracy