Babies listen intently and watch carefully to learn how to interact with the people and world around them. Our grandson notices how I show love, how I speak and what I focus on. It’s not only babies who watch so closely. Walk into a room with joy, and people react differently than if you walk in like a brewing storm, right? It’s sad when Christians don’t live like a baby is learning about life through them, whether it’s beautiful or ugly, safe or threatening, kind or cruel. It’s more than sad, it’s sin. Jesus came to give us the opportunity to live forgiven and fully loved, then share His forgiveness and love. Romans 8:38 assures us, “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.” God grounds us with security to love beyond measure. The Holy Spirit helps us anew, every day. Children of the Heavenly Father, let’s live like a baby is watching. The Baby of Bethlehem is. ~Tracy
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