The prophet Jeremiah is complaining that he is mocked and betrayed for speaking the Lord’s prophecies. Then, after he gets the complaining out of his system, he says, “But the Lord stands beside me like a great warrior” Jeremiah 20:11. I like his approach. Complain if you have to, but return to your Rock and claim His truth. The Lord stands beside us like a great warrior. Also, with mercy and grace, He stands next to us like a loving brother. We can cry, complain, seek guidance, share joy, knowing our brother is also the greatest warrior. A great warrior protects, plans, defends, fights, and watches for the enemy. I would surmise that a tremendous warrior is also intimidating to the enemy. What enemy would you have your great warrior fight this week? The Name of Jesus is powerful and our Holy Warrior’s Words win. Amen! ~Tracy