I try to have a “see-it-do-it” day every month. I often walk past something out of place at home, and think, “I’ll put that away later.” On a see-it-do-it day, I complete the task as soon as I see it. That creates a productive day necessary for a procrastinator like me. Steve, whom we are blessed to work with at Shepherd, is a see-it-do-it guy. He drops everything to help and does not procrastinate. He fixes things others walk past and has a heart for outreach. Paul talks about this kind of living in Romans 7. “Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit.” Steve is living and leading with Spirit-led service. Hope you’ve found your way of living and serving in the Spirit this week. Blessed by your faithfulness, Tracy